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The season of 2020 is going to be a good and busy season. In addition to the Dutch Championships, the international competitions of the IAME Benelux are scheduled this year as well. Under the guidance and coaching of the team PDB Racing I’m going to start this year in the juniors field with the aim of achieving good results. Below you can find all races and training sessions of Dylan Bakker. On the results page you will find all results of the competitions.

22-23 Februari IAME Series BeneluxMariembourg België
29 Februari - 1 Maart NK IAME Series NetherlandsMariembourg België
4-5 Juli GK4 Kart SeriesSpa-Francorchamps België
25-26 Juli GK4 Kart SeriesGenk België
8-9 Augustus NK IAME Series Netherlands
Mariembourg België
21-23 Augustus IAME Series BeneluxGenk België
17-18 Oktober NK IAME Series NetherlandsVenray Nederland
24-25 Oktober GK4 Kart Series
Mariembourg België
7-8 November NK IAME Series Netherlands
Eindhoven Nederland
14-15 November GK4 Kart Series
Genk België
12-13 December GK4 Kart Series
Genk België